Monday, April 2, 2012

Better to keep the bike, or destroy it

This last and final weeks blog is about if you should keep your dirtbike or destroy it and get a new one. Most people sell their older ones to buy newer ones and this case is usually because they need a new racing bike. Some people may keep their older bike for riding around. I personally think that you should keep the older one because you may plan on using it for just riding around and maybe it'd be alright for first learners and getting a new bike might take time to adjust.

I have a 1993 yamaha 2-stroke dirtbike. It's no good for racing anymore, but I wouldn't sell it unless I had too. It still runs great and would definitely be good for first learners. It's been well taken care of so there's not any problems with it if I decided to sell it. As for me, I love riding, but my racing days are over. I'm keeping my bike for a perfect ride around bike.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Proper Dirt Bike Gear

This weeks topic is about the proper gear that you should wear while riding a dirt bike. The most important should be the helmet. It protects the head from a bad fall and without it, it possibly could lead to death.

 You would need goggles that fit over the helmet, so bugs or dirt to hurt your eyes or possible blindness.

Next would be the neck brace. This goes around the neck securely, so that it can protect you from a broken neck.

 A person should have proper jersey and pants for riding. Yes, they're heavy, especially in the summer, but they keep you from getting scraps or burns from the engine or falls that could be severe.

 Gloves are also a good idea to have so no scrapes can happen so easily.

Chest protectors are a good thing to have for the safe of broken ribs or any serious injury to the spine.

Knee and Elbow pads are a necessity, just like riding a regular bike. Those and a helmet of course. They protect from getting fractures.

Last, but not least, your socks. The socks are to be worn under the boots. They make special socks for boots The boots are heavy and hard to walk on until they have been broken in. They're the safest foot wear for racing and is highly recommended. They're heavy for secure and hard for easier shifting.

All of these possessions are required for racing and should be worn when riding all times. You never know when you might crash. I always make sure to wear my proper gear when just riding a couple laps at the track. Don't risk your life or a serious injury. It's a great practice, so be safe!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Difference between 2-stroke and 4-stroke

This weeks blog will revolve around the topic of 2-strokes and 4-strokes. You will read on how they are different and how each performs in a dirtbike. Two-strokes are better for enduro and trail circuits because they are lighter weight then the four-strokes. Four-strokes in the 90's were considered heavier and slower than two-strokes. Today, two-strokes are considered slower than four-strokes due to the weight compacity.

In a four-stroke dirt bike, the compacity has changed alot to what it was back then. They are best made for any track and terrain and a 450cc four-stroke is about the weight of a 250cc two-stroke. Four-strokes are also the type to be calm and not too loud, while the two-stroke is much different where it has adrenaline of a power band and lots of noise. I own a 100cc Yamaha two-stroke and I personally like the noise that they give off, but I've also rode four-strokes and they seem to ride a little smoother. I don't have an opinion on which I'd prefer though. Do you?

Monday, February 6, 2012

Honda Dirt Bikes

This week will revolve around Honda Dirt bikes. In 1948, Honda came about when the Honda Motor CO. was founded. Soichiro Honda, who was a mechanic by trade, made this company to provide a solution to Japans war-torn market for they were short of money and fuel. This company was a cheaper and more effecient way of transportation. Alot like the brand Suzuki, Honda was fitting engines of bicyles. In 1949, the Dream D-Type was the first A 98 cc road bike.

Finally in 1959, in Los Angeles CA, Honda had finally left Japan and stretched the to United States. Not long after that, little Honda dirt bikes started coming about in the late 60's. When the year 1972 came around, the first weapon of a motocross dirt bike was created. CR250 Elsinore was a Honda dirt bike that was like no other and had definitely led the way to newer beginning.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Suzuki Dirt Bikes

This weeks topic will revolve around Suzuki dirt bikes. In 1909 on the base of Japan, a man by the name of Michio Suzuki, created a business called the Suzuki Loom Company. For thirty years, the company was building weaving looms to supply Japans then booming silk industry, while Michio was a very intelligent man, he decided that civilians needed transport and motorcars where the next step to this company.
In 1952, 'Power Free' was the next success and "big thing" in the world. It was a motorized bike that was powered by 36cc two-stroke engine.

In 1954, Suzuki was known world wide for mass producing motorbikes. The company's name had changed to Suzuki Motor CO Ltd. Suzuki today can be made two-stroke or four-stroke like the brands Yamaha or Honda. This may be the second best bike to ride since it was carefully created over the years.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Yamaha Dirt Bikes

This weeks blog will be about Yamaha dirt bikes. In 1887, the Yamaha Corporation was founded by Torakusu Yamaha. It all started out in computers and electronics when Genichi Kawakami, the current CEO of the Yamaha Corporation, made the decision to utilize the companies engineering skills and exand into motorized devices. In 1968, the first Yamaha dirt bike was completed. It was a two-stroke 250cc Enduro bike. YZ400F was then created in 1997. Yamaha was the first company to create the new breed of four-stroke bikes, also known as motocrossers as we know them today.

I personally would advise people to go with the Yamaha brand. They run well and all my family has ever owned was Yamaha. Today, I own a two-stroke 100cc Yamaha bike, built in the 1900's. It's great, but old and since I race, it's not the best. So, if you want a good racing bike, Yamaha would be the one.

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Motivation That Got Me Into Riding

When I was 8 years of age, my older brother Tracy was a fanatic in dirt bikes and had been riding when he was at a very young as well. He had told me that practice makes perfect, so starting young would be best to become a more successful rider. After the first time I got on that bike, I've never wanted to stop, and as I watched him ride, I learned more and more. This is what motivated me.

To those of who have not started at a young age as I did, you still have a chance to become successful, everyone does. Everyone has a dream, whether it's dirt bike riding (in other words, Motocross), or something else that's important in their lives. Push yourself in that dream and become successful. I did, and I'm not nearly done with my experience just yet.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Introduction: Dirt Biking

The topic I choose is on dirt bikes because I started riding when I was about 8 years old and I’ve been interested in dirt bikes ever since. I have brothers and family that have taught me the things I've needed to know about riding, I just don't the things I probably should about dirtbikes, so my blogs are going to be based on the dirtbikes themselves and the tracks that are around the world. I hope this would be an interesting topic to the riders out there not knowing a whole lot, like me.