Monday, April 2, 2012

Better to keep the bike, or destroy it

This last and final weeks blog is about if you should keep your dirtbike or destroy it and get a new one. Most people sell their older ones to buy newer ones and this case is usually because they need a new racing bike. Some people may keep their older bike for riding around. I personally think that you should keep the older one because you may plan on using it for just riding around and maybe it'd be alright for first learners and getting a new bike might take time to adjust.

I have a 1993 yamaha 2-stroke dirtbike. It's no good for racing anymore, but I wouldn't sell it unless I had too. It still runs great and would definitely be good for first learners. It's been well taken care of so there's not any problems with it if I decided to sell it. As for me, I love riding, but my racing days are over. I'm keeping my bike for a perfect ride around bike.