Monday, January 9, 2012

Introduction: Dirt Biking

The topic I choose is on dirt bikes because I started riding when I was about 8 years old and I’ve been interested in dirt bikes ever since. I have brothers and family that have taught me the things I've needed to know about riding, I just don't the things I probably should about dirtbikes, so my blogs are going to be based on the dirtbikes themselves and the tracks that are around the world. I hope this would be an interesting topic to the riders out there not knowing a whole lot, like me.


angie w. said...

I have rode dirt bikes a little bit but was to chicken to try anything! I can't wait to hear the different stories you have to share!

Emily.I said...

last time i rode a dirtbike i fell off and scraped my knee:( i cried.

Courtney B. said...

I can't wait to see what you find out. I don't know much about dirtbikes either and I would like to find out more. Great topic!!

Lindsey Ann :) said...

I didn't know you dirtbiked. Thats really cool :)

Mrs. Rohla said...

I'll look forward hearing your advice.