Monday, January 30, 2012

Suzuki Dirt Bikes

This weeks topic will revolve around Suzuki dirt bikes. In 1909 on the base of Japan, a man by the name of Michio Suzuki, created a business called the Suzuki Loom Company. For thirty years, the company was building weaving looms to supply Japans then booming silk industry, while Michio was a very intelligent man, he decided that civilians needed transport and motorcars where the next step to this company.
In 1952, 'Power Free' was the next success and "big thing" in the world. It was a motorized bike that was powered by 36cc two-stroke engine.

In 1954, Suzuki was known world wide for mass producing motorbikes. The company's name had changed to Suzuki Motor CO Ltd. Suzuki today can be made two-stroke or four-stroke like the brands Yamaha or Honda. This may be the second best bike to ride since it was carefully created over the years.


Hughes, S said...

Suzuki dirt bikes sound safe to ride but I still won't ride one.

Emily.I said...

Suzuki is my favorite brand of dirt bike!

Matt B. said...

I never would of guessed that Suzuki started off as a loom company.

Bergner said...

Suzukis are a pretty good bike. but i think that honda bikes are better cause they are just a better brand of bike.

angie w. said...

That's quite the change from silk looms to dirt bikes!

Mrs. Rohla said...

I didn't realize the Suzuki motor bikes had only been around since the 50's. I would have guessed earlier.